dinsdag 26 mei 2009

Film "Eat the Sun" door Peter Sorcher

Bram stuurde me deze link http://stiff.bside.com/2009/films/eatthesun_stiff2009.

Peter Sorcher heeft een heel mooie film gemaakt over sungazing, die op 7 juni 2009 in Seattle op het filmfestival vertoond wordt.
Misschien zij we wel de moderne pioniers van een heel nieuwe sprong in de evolutie ;-)

Eat the Sun

A documentary that follows a young man's journey into the little known world of 'sungazing'- an ancient practice that purports looking directly at the sun for long periods of time. Sungazers report a multitude of health benefits, including better eyesight, and some claim to no longer have the desire or the need for food; they get all their energy directly from the sun. Fascinating and captivating- this film will challenge your deepest held beliefs.

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